The Oldest Word by Johnny Firic The story opens with the discovery of a mysterious box from the distant past. Its makers are five orphaned friends who hope to help civilizational knowledge survive disruptive climate change centuries in the future: the ending of the Ice Age. The bar is continuously raised as the box traverses more than a dozen settings to the present day. Readers are tacitly … [Read more...] about The Oldest Word by Johnny Firic
The Ring by Florence Osmund
The Ring by Florence Osmund Paige West is a well-educated, financially stable business owner who mourns the death of her father and misses the closeness she had with him throughout her life. Jessivel Salter is a high school dropout who had a child out of wedlock at sixteen and is now a single mother on the brink of becoming homeless. She also misses her now-deceased father, but for very … [Read more...] about The Ring by Florence Osmund
Federico Exaggerated by Hazel Pacheco
Federico Exaggerated by Hazel Pacheco This incredible tale takes readers on an adventure into the Rio Grande bosque. Federico the quail loves to embellish his stories to capture the attention of his friends. When Federico is interrupted during a particularly bold story, he stomps off and discovers something fantastic—unbelievable—something even he could not have imagined! But will his friends … [Read more...] about Federico Exaggerated by Hazel Pacheco
Customer Escalations Management: The Golden Recipe by Nikolaos Zormpas
Customer Escalations Management: The Golden Recipe by Nikolaos Zormpas Are you ready for AMAZING Customer Service & Experience? What about EXCEPTIONAL Service Delivery? Do you want to see your customers returning back Again & Again? If so, then this is the book for you!!! No one likes complaints, especially from customers. What if we look at these complaints differently though, by … [Read more...] about Customer Escalations Management: The Golden Recipe by Nikolaos Zormpas
Within and Without Time by D. I. Hennessey
Within and Without Time by D. I. Hennessey Experience the Origin of a Prophet … A boy is caught up in a miraculous adventure that transforms his life and changes the world! - A Powerful book! When a sixteen-year-old boy is suddenly caught up in a series of miraculous encounters, it heralds the start of a profound journey. For Jimmy Moretti it is the beginning of an adventure that will forever … [Read more...] about Within and Without Time by D. I. Hennessey
That’s How It Was by Hazel Pacheco
That's How It Was by Hazel Pacheco A slyly funny and heart-warming tribute to childhood before technology. . . The last day of the family’s annual visit to the farm is filled with intrigue. Grandma is questioned, a long-forgotten book of letters is revealed, and Operation Finders-Keeper is set into motion. Still, it takes the trip home to finally uncover the answers Randy Ray's daughter is … [Read more...] about That’s How It Was by Hazel Pacheco
Gloria Smiled by Hazel Pacheco
Gloria Smiled by Hazel Pacheco This is book 3 of the Henry and Friends series. In this book, Gloria's simple misunderstanding leads to a startling surprise! … [Read more...] about Gloria Smiled by Hazel Pacheco
Eagle Rock by Fran Tabor
Eagle Rock by Fran Tabor Murder & Romance: Montana Style Kila Kincaid never understood how her brother could leave Hollywood style civilization to buy Eagle Rock, a primitive Montana ranch. When an accident kills him, she rushes to Montana to bury her brother and sell the ranch. Kila learns Eagle Rock holds more than scenery. It cradles a dream. Warriors fight for their … [Read more...] about Eagle Rock by Fran Tabor
To Own Two Suns by Fran Tabor
To Own Two Suns by Fran Tabor It's the beginning of the 22nd century. Captain Jerry Jerrison, head scientist for the first manned flight to explore the outer solar system, has dreamed of meeting aliens since childhood. As they approach Pluto, his ship encounters what seems to be an abandoned alien spaceship. Muni, the sole occupant, is in a state of Deep Sleep. The ship's AI (Artificial … [Read more...] about To Own Two Suns by Fran Tabor
Mercury Rising by J.B. Aspen
Mercury Rising by J.B. Aspen Midlife—when the magic really begins… Happy Birthday and hello Mid-life crisis. Hi, I'm Mercury Rodgers and at forty-five I thought life was over. Dead-end job, empty was just me and the cat starting over. Again. But when I lost my house and moved in with my pickleball playing, ballroom dancing, super social senior citizen mom—that was the icing on my … [Read more...] about Mercury Rising by J.B. Aspen